Ridley Drama's Anastasia
This Spring, the talented students of Ridley Drama Group have worked endlessly to bring to life a compelling show that will leave audiences mesmerized. Under the direction of Mrs. Christina McGovern, this production is set to take center stage with a powerhouse cast and crew that vows to make the captivating tale of Anastasia a success, even in moments when the world around her seems to unravel.
Event Details: Title: Anastasia the Musical Date/Time: March 1st, 2024- 7:30pm; March 2nd, 2024- 1pm & 7:30pm; March 3rd, 2024- 3:00pm; March 9th, 2024- 7:30 pm; March 10th, 2024- 3:00pm Location: Ridley High School Auditorium Ticket Prices: Reserved Seating: $15.00; General Seating: $12.00
Step into the enchanting world of Anastasia the Musical, a story that transports audiences to the glamorous and mysterious era of Imperial Russia. This amazing production seamlessly weaves together history, romance, and adventure, immersing the spectators in the thrilling journey of the lost Russian princess, Anastasia Romanov. From the glittering lights of the Russian aristocracy to the bustling streets of Paris, Ridley Drama Group takes the audience on an unforgettable ride filled with intrigue, love, and self-discovery.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an unforgettable theatrical experience! Purchase your tickets early, as seating is limited, and this event is expected to be a sell-out! To purchase tickets or for more information, please visit our website at www.ridleydrama.com. Tickets will be sold on our website, or at the door on the day of the performance.